Helpful Historical Stories for Covid-19

Here are articles, resources, and webpages that are helping our church navigate Covid-19's impact on the community. I'll share them here through several posts. Click on the "Covid-19" tag to see more. -BH

Lessons from History:

How Churches Responded When the Government Banned Gatherings During Spanish Flu of 1918 

"Influenza of 1918 provides an example of how churches in Washington DC responded to a public health crisis and government orders to close churches. During one of the worst epidemics to ever hit our country, churches respected the directives of the government for a limited time out of neighborly love and in order to protect public health. Even when churches began to disagree with the Commissioners’ perspective, they continued to abide by their orders. This demonstrates a place for freedom of speech and advocacy while respecting and submitting to governing authorities." (Caleb Morell, Capitol Hill Baptist; SBTS)

This Chart of the 1918 Spanish Flu Shows Why Social Distancing Works 

"The extreme measures—now known as social distancing, which is being called for by global health agencies to mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus—kept per capita flu-related deaths in St. Louis to less than half of those in Philadelphia..." (M.J. Coren, BS, MESc)

How U.S. Cities Tried to Halt the Spread of the 1918 Spanish Flu 

"Just 72 hours after the parade, all 31 of Philadelphia’s hospitals were full and 2,600 people were dead by the end of the week..." (David Roos,; NY Times; Newsweek)

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