Yielding Unto God (William Still on Keeping Your Balance"

“...yield yourselves unto God” Romans 6:13 (KJV)

I was at Barnes and Noble, Iced Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew in hand, browsing the Spiritual life section. A remarkable number of books seemed to deal with discovering God’s Will, God’s Plan, God’s Desires, or God’s “Whatever” for my life. Some of the books were promising, but several were written by those who in my opinion might need to discover Jesus before advising me on discovering God!

All of this reminded me of a slender volume that Scottish pastor that William Still wrote back in 1966. His book is called The Work of the Pastor but his advice is easily adapted to any follower of Jesus Christ. He lists 5 key steps to “Keeping Your Balance” in life and ministry. They’re listed here with a few of his most poignant quotes:

  1. Know Christ: “Has Christ grown up in you, so that there is far more of Christ in you than the remnants of old Adam?”
  2. Be Sure of Your Call: “You must know or be seeking decisive assurance that you are called by Him to [business, homemaking, ministry, teaching, etc.]”
  3. Wait for His Will: “Some of the most fruitful…have had to wait years for their God-given appointments.”
  4. Die to Yourself: “Jesus died with all our badness to take it away, He had to die to all the good He could have been and could have done in a long earthly life, in order that He might die with our badness.”
  5. Don’t Go It Alone: “I believe no-one ever does any good...for Christ’s sake anywhere, without other Christians at some time and in some place having had a part in it. The church is one in her work.”

There’s plenty to read and write about in regard to God’s Will. But for today, isn’t it remarkable how William Still’s short advice holds true? By constantly “yielding” unto God in every aspect of life (Romans 6:13), there’s discovering some “secret” plan of His will.

Yielding allows us to abide day by day in whatever station or location He’s placed us.  What of these 5 steps can encourage you this week?

Pastor Brian

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