Prayer for A Crisis Pregnancy Center (A Choice 2M8k)

Last year I had an opportunity to offer the invocation for our local Crisis Pregnancy Center Banquet. "A Choice 2 M8k" is doing great work for mothers all over Florence County. Their next banquet is coming again soon, and I thought I might post this prayer here. It holds true in 2016 as much as it did in 2015.

Our Heavenly Father
We come to you as your children, 

As your Sons & Daughters.

You are our Mighty Creator King.
You are the author of the Universe,
And yet there is not one child you do not know by name.

You spoke through the heart of John as he leapt for joy in Elizabeth’s belly.
You spoke in the cries of your Son, Jesus, born to Mary and cooing in a borrowed manger.

You’ve knit us together in our Mother’s wombs;
You’ve labeled all of our days.

You continue to speak to us through Mothers and Sons and Daughters around us each day.
But our world is a broken place.

We entrust unto you the lives given up before their tiny voices even cry out for the first time.
We entrust to you the precious child whose hands will not grasp, 
Whose imagination will not flourish,
And we know that in You they are made whole. 

We pray for your guidance and protection,
Over mothers, fathers, and extended families whose lives are changed forever 
As a new life takes seed and flourishes.

Tonight we lift up this special ministry at A Choice 2 M8k. 
Pierce our hearts.
Let us give generously. 

Let us pray continually. 
Let us live graciously in your grip.

Our Loving Father,
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. 


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