Ecological Systems and Our Mission for God.
You might not think it's pertinent to your corner of the world, but stay with me just a second. An ecological understanding of the people around you will shed light on their behavior and tendencies.
- When you move to a certain neighborhood because of a school district, you're thinking ecologically.
- When your job prevents you from having a healthy diet you're being affected ecologically.
- When your divorce changes the group of friends you hang out with, that's ecological.
Click here for a Black & White Ecological Model
Click here for a Color model, but note that I think it is posted without permission-- and at a Christian college, too!
Here are some thoughts to consider from a ministry perspective:
- For a child, how might a parent's work environment (Exosystem) impact the child's involvement in church (Microsystem)?
- For a new believer (Individual), how will a commitment to Christ bring change to his/her Peers or Family (Microsystem)?
- Who influences whom? How do Christians (Individuals) influence their Social Condition (Macrosystem)? How do Economics (Macrosystem) influence our Classrooms or Kitchens (Microsystem)?
- How might History (Macrosystem) touch the demographics of our congregations (Microsystem)?