The Lord's Hand in the Hearts of Voters

The Lord’s Hand in the Hearts of Voters

I first arrived at Effingham ARP in 2008. A heated presidential election was in full-swing. I was cautious. Pastors can get bogged down in politics, and we preach to Republicans, Democrats, and everything in between on Sunday morning.

Now it is 2016--another big election. I wish I could take the easy way out by saying what you’ve already heard: “Is this the best we could do?” or “I guess I’ll be voting for the lesser of two evils.” But on Tuesday, November 8, I’ll cast my vote and pray for the Lord’s hand to guide our nation.

I read through a guide called “30 Ways to Pray for People in Authority” by Gary Bergel. We’ll have copies available at our Prayer Service on November 7th at 7pm (the night before Election Day). What I found most interesting was how the different prayer topics revealed that there will never be a “perfect” candidate. Whether praying for their marital faithfulness (#13) or their honesty in financial matters (#17), I can tally up where our nation’s two primary candidates fail in many areas.

Nevertheless, I will vote for one of them this month. I’ll also vote in some local elections where I know a few candidates more personally. Our local elections will bring me great joy! With all of this in mind, I remember God’s word to Daniel as he served under Nebuchadnezzar-- a tyrant by any modern definition:
He changes the times and seasons; He removes kings and establishes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.” (Daniel 2:21)

The White House, City Council, and even County Coroner-- whatever the position, we can trust the Lord’s providence. He works in the hearts of voters and the circumstances of history. My prayer this month: “Lord, grant me wisdom in my voting as I seek to glorify You, and let Your glory shine in whatever this election holds for our community and nation.”

In Him,

Pastor Brian

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