Book Review: Piper's "Brothers We Are Not Professionals"

Brothers, We Are Not Professionals: A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry Brothers, We Are Not Professionals: A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry by John Piper

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
Every so often a book comes to me at the right time and place. When this happens, it can be life-changing or at a minimum, life enhancing.

Piper's "Brothers, We Are Not Professionals" is somewhere right between the life-changing/enhancing continuum. Piper focuses on 30 readings to recapture the passion of pastors for pastoral (as opposed to executive) ministry.

I wouldn't say there is much in the way of "new" insight, particularly for its intended audience. Rather, Piper offers a potent, refreshing, reviving, call to arms that many will find useful when they face the unique challenges of modern ministry.

Piper has a balanced approach to the concepts of pastor as shepherd vs. pastor as CEO, though it's clear where his heart is. In addition, the book is helpful in spurring some great sermon ideas thanks to the author's copious use of scripture references. The chapter on addressing racism from the pulpit is especially challenging. As a Reformed Presbyterian, I was intrigued by his baptist perspective on Infant Baptism. I also loved his poem included in "Brothers Love Your Wives." Piper's writing on materialism and legalism were thought provoking.

Overall, this book was a great refreshment to me, and will be a good resource in the future for referencing concise insights on pastoral and church issues. It really is a must read for any one in ministry, especially pastors.

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