Strawberry Pretzel Salad, Reciprocal Relationships, and Thanksgiving Plans

My Thanksgiving favorite, Strawberry Pretzel Salad makes an appearance in this week's sermon on giving thanks and reciprocal relationships.  Here's a recipe from Paula Dean, but leave out the pineapple...

Effingham will celebrate Thanksgiving Sunday night at Hopewell Presbyterian. We'll worship together and then have a soup and cornbread supper.  Hopewell planted Effingham over 100 years ago.

Laura, Harrison and I will celebrate in Greenville with the Lewis side of the family and worship with my parents at Brookwood Community Church on Sunday.  I was a member there when the church began at the Mauldin Senior Center, so its fun to go back now and see the bookstore, coffee shop, and 8000 or so people who call it home.  That's 1000 less than the entire population of Effingham SC.  They don't have a Hub's or Megg's Store, though!

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