Chuck Warnock: "'Summer' for churches is over"

Chuck Warnock of
"Confessions of a Small Church Pastor" has a good commentary on the challenges of church change.  In it, he relates gardening to the mission of the church:
"...My point in all this is that seasons bring changes to gardens and churches.  What works in the garden in the summer doesn’t work in the fall and winter.  Experienced gardeners know that and adapt.  Experienced church leaders do the same.  Our culture is changing, and so must our churches.  Church attendance nationwide has fallen from about 40% of the population to only 17.5% on any Sunday.  ”Regular church attendance” is now considered to be 3-out-of-8 Sundays. Older adults are more likely to attend church than younger adults.  And the list of changes goes on..."
Click here to continue.  It is worth a read for anyone concerned with the challenges facing post millennium churches.

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