Following the Pattern

Here's a picture of the workbench I mentioned yesterday as part of our study of Matthew. When I built it, I was so focused on following the pattern (and getting it done quickly), I ended up with a 4 ft. bench instead of a 6 ft. bench. The pattern wasn't the problem-- it clearly stated it was for a 4ft. bench. I just failed to adapt the pattern to my specific use. Click on the picture for a larger version

When Jesus taught us the Lord's prayer, he never intended that we'd lazily recite it's pattern over and over ("meaningless repetition"). He intended for us to use the pattern to guide our own personal, intimate prayer time.

No matter how good a pattern is, whether it's in prayer or carpentry, If we don't use it properly we end up with a lot less than we hope for.

Click here for the NASB version of Jesus' example prayer from Matthew 6:5-14. Knowing that the Lord's Prayer is overly familiar to most, what details do you notice when reading it again in the context of Jesus' sermon?

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