Mad Church Disease

As much as I love the Church and our church, I know that it is a place where pain can be amplified and hurt can dig deep.  I've preached on anger and forgiveness a few times, but the subjects cannot be overdone.  At the end of the day, we church folks are all hypocrites and sinners (that's why we need God's grace).  I still hear comments such as:
"I should have learned my lesson, next time I won't even bother..."
"You won't hear _____say this, but they're really angry about _____..."
"Let me tell you a little bit of backstory, you see..."
I should point out that these phrases are ones I've heard in every church I've been a part of since I was a kid.  I suspect you've heard them, too. I thought I'd post a link to a free chapter in the new book "Mad Church Disease."  It's all about burnout in the modern church, and it deals with what the author calls "unfriendly fire" in the houses of the holy.

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